Thursday, April 10, 2014

When people look too hard for the simple...

Religion... This word is whats wrong with the world. Just love one another and be humble to the simple reality that no one person knows everything. I hate church... I cant stand people who stand on a stage and preach. I hate people that ask for money and sell books and material garbage. Buildings are so much money! WHY do we have to build so many churches?!

I Love people that buy a homeless dude food. I love people that smile to simply make the world more tolerable. I love people that don't judge. I love people that say sorry and MEAN it.

I love reason and science. I love art, imagination and experience. I love video games, movies and music. I hate when people try to act smarter or better than me. I hate when girls cheat on guys... I hate when guys cheat on girls. I love animals and all forms of life. I respect all life and would risk my own life to save an animal in the road. I hate war and all things involving control of other people's lives. I love order NOT anarchy... And I hate people that use "I" and talk about themselves all the time! oops! I guess that's me too! haha :D

All Jokes aside... We all should be Courteous and humble to each-other. I truley hate NO MAN or WOMAN. You all are my brother and sister... No religion needed either... Just humanity at the core.

Oh and yeah... I deff love the cool hippie that never hurt anyone that was essentially all HUMAN Kind's creator and designer... IN HUMAN FORM... Who got tortured and killed by stupid cruel RELIGIOUS people... The Jokes on them! He planned all along to allow these things and changed ALL things for ALL LIFE... He accepted HIS HUMAN BODY'S DEATH and rewrote all LIFE to conform to these changes... Why do Christians ruin this simple truth with mental, emotional control platforms & money schemes? I am sure other religions are being true about things they saw and witnessed too. There are as many truths as there are people. But only one version of genuine "LOVE".

I do think "Something" wants us to be miserable and tear each other's throats out... Maybe an alien we call "SATAN" "EVIL" etc? This thing may even take different "Emotional/Physical" forms to trick and misguide us from love and perfect harmony of peace... Just saying... It is possible...

Maybe other nation's GODs from other religions that require human sacrifices and really mean harmful WAR creeds... Beliefs in bowing/praying to statues... Eating body parts... Greed of wealth... Viewing of selfishness as superior to selflessness... Come from a simple misdirection... Could be SATAN that does this... This does not mean their GODs are lies and never existed... It just means their GODs are not very nice and don't advocate peace and love. Kinda scary that ALL relgions could be REAL.

I do think that there is only ONE SUPREME HIGHEST GOD... Just like there is only ONE SUPREME HONEST "LOVE" Free of lies or deceit.

Death only exists for those that don't have the imagination & courage to believe that LIFE... Is a CREATIVE gift and can never END... To live FOREVER is an acceptance of what our designer has done many years ago to UPGRADE our HUMAN form... All human beings need this "FIRMWARE UPDATE" if they wanna live after death.

BTW Hell is just a fear machine meant to bring hate and control to ALL people. Hell is simply the absence of LIFE "LOVE" or what people call GOD. Hell wont be what people picture it to be... I think it will just be lonely... The whole lake of fire thing might come at the very end to rid "The Creator's" perfect immortal family from those that deny "Love" and choose to be afraid and judge. Who knows...

Maybe even people that get a shitty life will get a special chance to join the more fortunate. AND! I cant imagine our LOVING creator refusing someone who was born "Mentally handicapped" that cant even understand simple things... How can some poor human comprehend things like ultimatums and requirements to NOT burn in hell. PROOF that we as people don't know shit.

Stay outta church people... Love eachother... DARE to imagine a creator of LOVE... A creator of reason and peace... NOT war and HATE...

GO Live life! Don't listen to me... GO live and make your own conclusions... Just never forget how to LEARN... LOVE... And FORGIVE...

Peace be with you all...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Never listen to anyone without reason and your own experience... Period...

So here is what I have come to find.

I wish all religion was gone. Perhaps something changed stuff for us so when we die we wont be dead forever... If I had to take a guess... We as humans had to be designed by something ALIVE that is in lots of control. I would think that something as powerful as that would help us out by not allowing us to be in the dirt forever. BORING! That said I don't want to float on a fluffy cloud either! NOR do I want fire put my arse! GOD is a word that is so dumb. I think all logical minds would agree that something that is alive in existence designed and shaped humans. I mean look at how creative humans are. Science, Exploration, Art, Expression, Logic, etc... Cool stuff indeed. I think Christians are right about everything, I just think they have ruined it for any of the logical humans that don't want to be controlled by other humans, churches, religions, etc... Words like "Jesus" are so inaccurate because whatever whoever it was that did "Stuff" will be known by everyone around the world as someone different. Its still cool to think that a designer "GOD" made a perfect human "JESUS or WHATEVER You call this dude" and had him die only to redesign all people in general to live forever. Jesus could be considered a much needed FIRMWARE update for humans so they don't die after death. Sad that religion cant just say it straight without condemning and acting like they know so damn much. I wonder if death is different for all people based on their own thoughts and mental influences? I guess time will tell.